Dementia patient carers invited to share experiences

By Rebecca Brahde, BBC News, Isle of Man
PA MEDIA A hand clasped around the arm of an elderly woman. both are leaning on the arms of grey armchairs. The arm of the person on the right is clad in the sleeve of a black blouse with small white polka dots. The elderly lady is wearing a light coloured blouse with a a green, yellow and pink floral pattern and dark trousers. She is also wearing a beaded necklace.PA MEDIA
A feedback event will take place at Hospice Isle of Man on 24 July

Carers of those with dementia have been invited to share their perspectives on Manx Care services to help improve the support available.

The second "in your shoes" feedback is set to be held on 24 July from 11:00 to 13:00 BST at Hospice Isle of Man.

A a similar event took place in March to engage with carers leading to the creation of action points being drawn up.

Experience and engagement lead Karen Maddox said the experiences of patients and their carers was an area identified by the Manx Care Advice and Liaison Service (MCALS) as a "pressure point".

'Influence local care'

Ms Maddox said since the first event a collaborative group comprising Manx Care and third sector representatives had begun meeting monthly to draw up action points identified by carers, and implement them.

Changes that the health provider will make over the next six months to two years include the expansion of coffee mornings and walking groups, more detailed information packs, improved respite services, and the creation of quiet areas for patients with disease.

There are 20 spaces available at the event, which can be booked by contacting MCALS, with the possibility of a third in future if felt necessary.

Ms Maddox said the health care provider was "really keen" to listen to more experiences and the feedback session was "another genuine opportunity for carers to share their stories and to influence the future of local care".

The additional feedback will be used to expand Manx Care's action plan to improve its services.

While it would feed into the carers strategy that was recently approved in Tynwald, it was a piece of work designed to tackle the needs of a more specific group of people, Ms Maddox added.

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