Test Your Knowledge

car seat

Use your car seat right

Essential tips to make sure you're always buckling up your child seat as safely as you can.

seat belt

Make sure it stays tight

After miles on the road, is their car seat still in there correctly? Find out with these tips.

Calling all caretakers

Calling all caretakers

If you are driving with kids in the car, then here are some things for you to remember.

Get Driver Tips

The pinch test check

Making sure your child is seated correctly in their car seat can make all the difference in a crash.  Let us help you with tips on the Pinch Test, so you can go safely every day.

Seasonal travel tips

How you travel and the time of year can mean different safety considerations. Before you hit the road, check out these tips.

Travel Tips

Seasonal Travel Tips

Finding A Car Seat

Choosing the right car seat for your child is the first step in keeping them safe on the go. Here’s what you need to know to make sure you choose a quality, up-to-date car seat

A Guide to Car Seat Shopping

Car seat recalls and laws

Car seat recalls and laws

Keep up on car seat recalls, regulations and new laws in your state.

Stay Up to Speed

Still have questions?

We can help you find the answers. Find an in-person car seat safety check near you.

Find a Car Seat Technician