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Virtual French Class Player Visits

For more than two decades, French-speaking Wolves players have met with High School French classes
to give students an opportunity to learn the language from a native speaker.

Each visit generally runs for about one hour (or the length of a class period) and is recommended for
more advanced classes. This is because we encourage the class to be conducted primarily in French — or
as much as possible while maximizing the benefit for the students.

Typically, the player starts the class by talking about himself, including where he grew up, how he
started playing hockey, how he ended up here, etc. After he is done, we open it up to a question-and-
answer session. The students prepare questions for the players and address them in French, which gives
students the opportunity to both listen and speak with a native French speaker. Of course, each class is
different, so we’re happy to coordinate the curriculum with teachers prior to the visit.

Check back this fall for details regarding the 2024-25 season!

If you are interested in setting up a Virtual French Class Visit or would like more information about this
program, please contact Courtney Mahoney at [email protected].