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Sellers of edible cannabis: Stop using packaging that mimics foods popular with kids

Colleen Tressler
When sellers of edible cannabis products use packaging that mimics popular kids’ cereals, snacks, and candy, the FTC and FDA take notice — and action. Edible cannabis — like cereal, gummies, cookies, candies, and chips — have cannabis that’s derived from marijuana or hemp. Some of these foods have Delta-8 THC, which is a part of cannabis that causes psychoactive and intoxicating effects. After accidentally eating edibles with THC, many kids have gotten sick and even been hospitalized.
Money-Making Opportunities and Investments
Consumer Alert

Can you spot an investment scam?

Terri Miller
Investment scammers claim you’ll get big returns investing in a hot new money-making “opportunity” — maybe something like cryptocurrency. Some scammers say you’ll likely make a lot of money if you follow their proven system or method. But will you?
Consumer Alert

Servicemembers: Lending a helping hand? Don’t hand over your phone

Terri Miller
Lots of scams start online, but sometimes the scammer parks right next to you at the bank or outside a store. People are reporting millions of dollars lost in a scam that targets active-duty military and plays on their desire to help. In this con, scammers approach servicemembers to ask for help because they lost their debit card and need to pay for something like a hotel room or groceries. They want you to transfer them money using your phone, but it's a scam.

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