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    Amy Keating

    Registered Dietician, Food
    Expertise: Food, Health

    Amy Keating is a Registered Dietitian who has tested food for Consumer Reports for more than15 years. She has scrutinized thousands of food products, their ingredients, nutrition and claims to help consumers make healthier food choices in the grocery store and when dining out. Prior to Consumer Reports, she worked as a clinical dietitian and in the food industry generating the Nutrition Facts she now examines.

    Amy holds a Bachelor of Science in Nutrition from Cornell University and a Masters in Clinical Nutrition from Emory University.

    “As a registered dietitian at CR, I study countless food products – reviewing ingredients, nutrients and claims and tasting A LOT of products to find the best choices. Admittedly, I rarely eat anything out of a box or package, much preferring to cook everything myself with simple, fresh ingredients composting everything that doesn’t go in the pot! When there is time for something else, I read, exercise and make my own candles.”