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    Brian Vines

    Deputy Editor, Special Projects

    Brian Vines is a Chicagoan by birth and a New Yorker by choice.

    After completing the Masters Program in Broadcast Journalism at Boston University’s College of Communication he worked with such outlets as CNN, NYC-TV, Brooklyn Independent Media, the internationally syndicated VJIAM show, and BroadBand Network3.

    In addition to reporting, show running and producing, Brian is also an Emmy Award- winning host and moderator of live events on topics ranging from contemporary memoirs to police brutality.

    In his role at Consumer Reports, Brian examines inequities in the marketplace, in an effort to ensure fairness for consumers. For example, Brian has covered the growing trend of community fridges, refrigerators placed in public areas, stocked by the community and providing free food to those in need. His work helped shine a light on the increasing food insecurity brought about by the Coronavirus pandemic and the underlying inequities that created a need for this type of community intervention. Brian also looked at dietetics and how the cultural and language divide between healthcare professionals and the Black and Hispanic communities they served often made it difficult for these communities to receive the support they needed.

    “It feels as if there was never a time when I wasn’t aware of Consumer Reports. The wheel has gone around in such a beautiful way and I’m genuinely excited to have my name under the masthead of an outlet that has meant so much for so long. It’s a tremendous legacy with a bright future that we are drafting every day. Bringing stories that amplify the voices of underserved communities makes the juice worth the squeeze.”