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    Tanya Christian

    Multimedia Content Creator
    Expertise: Home

    Tanya Christian joined Consumer Reports as a Multimedia Content Creator with a focus on home content, including major household appliances. Tanya comes to CR most recently from Essence, where she covered news and politics. In the run-up to the 2020 election, Tanya launched a “24 Hours With…” video series, shadowing presidential hopefuls on the campaign trail. For the series, she traveled to South Carolina to interview Cory Booker and joined Kamala Harris during her Iowa bus tour. (Vice President Harris gave Tanya a preview of her now-famous cornbread dressing recipe before she shared it on Twitter.) Prior to her time at Essence, Tanya was an editor at Real Simple.

    Tanya holds a B.A. in Journalism from Hampton University.

    “I grew up in a home where my father quoted Consumer Reports only a smidge less than he quoted the Bible. No major appliance or vehicle was bought without CR’s prior approval, and any other product advice was considered before we journeyed to the store. Being a well-informed consumer has been ingrained in me. So to now work for an organization that has, for decades, empowered consumers by prioritizing content to help support knowledge-based buying, gives me a heightened level of satisfaction and purpose.”