Departures from traditional economic models are the focus of behavioral economics, one of the most important new areas of research in economics to have emerged in the last three decades. Cornell was the birthplace of this field and remains a leading center for work in this area, which continues to change beliefs long thought to have been settled in the discipline.

Top behavioral economics pioneers discuss why traditional economic models do such a poor job of predicting behavior. Part of Cornell's sesquicentennial celebration, April 24-27, 2015.

Moderator: Robert Frank (Henrietta Johnson Louis Professor of Management and Professor of Economics).

Panelists: Richard Thaler (Ralph and Dorothy Keller Distinguished Service Professor of Behavioral Science and Economics, University of Chicago); Sendhil Mullainathan '93 (Professor of Economics, Harvard University); Tom Gilovich (Professor, Department of Psychology); and Ted O'Donoghue (Professor, Department of Economics).