DCMI Type Format Working Group

Name: DCMI Type Format Working Group
Type: Working Group
Status: Finished
Charter: This working group is focusing on the usage and recommended content for the Resource Type and Format elements of the Dublin Core metadata standard. This working group is inactive. This working group has been split into two different working group: DCMI Type and DCMI Format.
Moderator/Chair: Simon Cox
Rebecca Guenther
Diann Rusch-Feja


Scheduled Milestone Description Editor/Contact Status/History
DC Type Draft Report, 1998-10-23 Type element Simon Cox Final Version of the Report on Resource Type for Simple DC
DC Format Draft Report, 1998-10-23 Format element Simon Cox Report on Format for Simple DC
DC Type Draft Report, 1998-09-18 Type element Simon Cox Report on Resource Type for Simple DC
DC Type Draft Report, 1998-08-08 Type element Simon Cox Report on Resource Type for Simple DC
DC Type Draft Report, 1998-07-23 Type element Simon Cox Report on Resource Type for Simple DC
DC Format Draft Report, 1998-07-23 Format element Simon Cox Report on Format for Simple DC
DC Type Draft Report, 1998-07-10 Type element Simon Cox Report on Resource Type for Simple DC
DC Format Draft Report, 1998-07-10 Format element Simon Cox Report on Format for Simple DC

Open Issues

A list of as yet unresolved issues, or those ideas or problems that are still under discussion.

Resource Type

Dublin Core™ Resource Types: Open Issues - 1998-10-16

Editor: Simon Cox, CSIRO Exploration & Mining

Please note that this is an informal list of current issues of which we are aware. The sequence and organisation are not necessarily significant.

Cross-community study of existing lexicons and models of resource types

are we happy with event?

text (huge hierarchy of document types)

image (moving vs. still, symbolic graphics vs. representations)

*.collection?> need to group type with accompanying format element for compound resources

the 1:1 principle and compound/mixed resources


Dublin Core™ Format Element: Open Issues - 1998-10-16

Editor: Simon Cox, CSIRO Exploration & Mining

Please note that this is an informal list of current issues of which we are aware. The sequence and organisation are not necessarily significant.

types of format elements: format.size vs format.media

structure of format.size:
different sizes - eg. mass vs linear, duration vs. bytes, pixels vs linear vs bytes

different aspects of a size - length vs breadth vs depth> measurement units for format.size - is this a "scheme"?

media types for non-electronic formats

nested formats, eg. compressed, archives

need to group type with accompanying format element for compound resources

grouping multiple values of format together, eg size+media

the 1:1 principle and compound/mixed resource


  • Date deactivated: 1998-11-04
  • Superceded by DCMI Type working group and DCMI Format working group.
  • Past Members:
    • Arthur Chapman
    • Jack Gilding
    • Roy Tennant
    • Diann Rusch-Feja
    • Andrew Daviel
    • Jon Knight
    • Rebecca Guenther
    • Jordan Reiter
    • John Kunze
    • Ricky Erway
    • Gail Clement
    • Mary Larsgaard
    • Simon Cox
    • David Bearman
    • Stu Weibel
    • Bernhard Eversberg
    • Amy Tracy Wells
    • Andy Powell
    • Linda Hill


  • Andrew Daviel's list of external type vocabularies - mostly bibliographic
  • Roy Tennant's Structuralist draft