FPL Live - Live app for FPL

The free app FPL Live provides live rank and points in your private fantasy leagues - during the Premier League matches.

Live rank in your
FPL private leagues

Your private leagues in Fantasy Premier League are updated with live rank and points as events occur in the Premier League. Captain picks and chips are displayed in list for quicker access. Read more

Screenshot from FPL Live - showing live rank and points

bonus points

On basis of the Bonus Points System (BPS), provisional bonus points are added to your FPL players score – during the premier league games. Read more

Screenshot of FPL Live - showing live bonus points

Premier League

Livescore includes your selected FPL players and their points in match. Read more

Screenshot from FPL Live - showing livescore premier league matches

match details

Includes Bonus Points System (BPS) score for all players featuring in match. Read more

Screenshot from app - showing match details - including live bonus points

team details

Pitch view showing your FPL players. Double gameweek supported. Read more

Screenshot from app - showing pitch view with live player points

player details

Includes bonus points. Mutiple matches supported. Read more

Screenshot from app - showing player points from match events

FPL overview

Overview with status of your team and your private leagues. Read more

App home screen with an overview and live status of your private leagues