Find Events on LinkedIn

Last updated: 5 months ago
If you want to attend Events on LinkedIn that will add value to your professional growth, there are many ways for you to find Events that may interest you. Here are some:

Search for events on LinkedIn

To search for an event on LinkedIn:

  1. Enter your keyword(s) into the Search bar at the top of your LinkedIn homepage.

    • Note: You can enter a keyword for an idea or concept you're interested in (for example, "growth strategies") or the exact name of an Event, if you already know it.
  2. Click See all results at the end of the dropdown.

  3. Click the Events tab to filter only the events from the search results. All relevant events will be listed in the search results.

Recommended events by LinkedIn

LinkedIn recommends events that are relevant to you based on your interests, Pages you follow, and the events being attended by your network. You can find the recommended events on the Events homepage and My Network/Discover tab. You may also receive email notifications regarding relevant events.

Note: If you’re an event organizer, make sure that you include clear and detailed information about your event in the title and description fields so that it reaches potential attendees.

Find events hosted by Pages you follow

You can find events hosted by Pages by accessing the Events tab of the Page that you follow. If you’re following a Page, you may also be notified if the Page shares events they’re hosting. Notifications regarding events are sent to a targeted subset of followers based on their interests.

If you have any other questions related to Events, please contact us.

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