Cancel or delete a LinkedIn Event

Last updated: 2 months ago

Event organizers can cancel and delete the event they created. For LinkedIn Pages, any super or content admin of the Page can cancel or delete an event.

Both canceling and deleting are permanent actions that can’t be reversed.

Cancel an Event

You must cancel the event before deleting it.

  • Online (External Link) and in-person: You can cancel an event before it begins, or during an ongoing event.
  • Audio Events or Linkedin Live Events: You can cancel an event before it begins, but not during an ongoing event. You can’t cancel after you have started streaming or the event start time has begun.

Once the Event has been canceled:

  • Members can't join the event.
  • Attendees will be notified that the event has been canceled.
  • All posts and comments will be accessible to the organizer and attendees, but organizers won’t be able to edit the event details.
  • The event will still be shown on the list of events an organizer has hosted.

Delete an Event

An organizer can delete an event in the following scenarios:

  • Before the start of an event the organizer can delete it immediately after cancelation.
  • Organizers cannot delete an ongoing event, which is any event that has started streaming or the start time has begun.
  • The event can be deleted immediately if there are no attendees other than the organizer.
  • If there are two or more attendees, the organizer can delete it 24 hours after the event has ended. Even if attendees are removed from the event, the organizer still has to wait for 24 hours to delete the event.

Once the Event has been deleted:

  • It won’t be accessible to either the organizer or anybody who registered to attend.
  • Attendees won’t be notified that the event has been deleted.
  • The associated feed post will be deleted and removed from the organizer’s recent activity. Any reshares of the event post will also be deleted.
  • The event will be removed from the organizer list of events.
  • The event cannot be discovered via the search and cannot be viewed by any member.

To cancel or delete an Event:

  1. Access your Events homepage.
  2. Select the applicable event from the list.
  3. Click Manage.
  4. From the dropdown, you can:

    • Select Cancel event from the dropdown and confirm the action. All attendees will be notified that the Event has been canceled.
    • Select  Delete event from the dropdown and confirm the action.

Important to know

If you don’t see the Delete option then refresh your page.

For further assistance with your Event, please contact us.

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