View your connections

Last updated: 3 months ago

On LinkedIn, the basic type of connection is a contact you know personally and who you trust on a professional level. Once you've connected to them on LinkedIn, you are considered a 1st-degree connection.

To view your connections:

  1. Click the My Network icon at the top of your LinkedIn homepage.
  2. Click  Connections on the left under Manage my network.

  3. From the Connections page, you can:

    • Sort: You can click on the Sort by dropdown to sort connections by Recently added, First name, or Last name.
    • Search by name: You can look up a connection by typing their name in the Search by name search bar.
    • Search with filters: Click Search by filters to further refine your search by Connections, Connections of, Followers of, Locations, Talks about, Current company, Past company, School, Industry, Profile language, Open to, Service categories and Keywords. To access some of these filters click on All Filters at the top of the page.
    • Message: Click Message on the right of the connection's name to message them.
    • Remove connection: Click More icon next to Message on the right of the connection's name and select Remove connection and confirm your action.


  • The search results displayed when viewing connections are limited to 100 pages or 1000 results.

  • Your connections can also be found on the People tab of the search results page, by selecting 1st within the Connections filter.

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