Withdraw an invitation

Last updated: 1 year ago

Withdrawing sent invitations

You can easily view your sent invitations and withdraw any that are still waiting for a response from the recipient.

Access sent invitations
You can withdraw an invitation to connect to other LinkedIn members or to join Pages or Events if the recipient has not yet responded. After you withdraw an invitation, you won’t be able to resend an invite to the same recipient for up to three weeks.
  • There isn’t an option to bulk withdraw invitations that you’ve sent to multiple recipients.
  • Withdrawing an invitation will stop the recipient from receiving any further reminder emails to accept the invitation.
  • If you withdraw an invitation, the recipient won't be notified.
  • If the recipient has already accepted your invitation to connect, you still have the option to remove them as a connection.

  • You cannot unblock or view your blocked invitations.

  • Once you withdraw an invitation, LinkedIn can’t revert this action. 

To view and withdraw your sent invitations:
  1. Click the My Network icon at the top of your LinkedIn homepage.
    • You can accept or ignore any pending invitations displayed at the top of the page.
  2. If you have no invitations, click Manage next to No pending invitations.

  3. Click the Sent tab under Manage invitations.

    Note: You’ll see a list of invitations you’ve sent to People, Pages, and Events that are still waiting for a response.

  4. Click Withdraw next to a recipient’s name.
  5. In the pop-up that appears, confirm your decision.

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