From the course: Content Marketing: Blogging for Business

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What blogging means today

What blogging means today

- I first heard about blogging at a conference in 2005, and I was hooked. As a writer and PR pro, blogging seemed like the ideal way to combine text and publishing to build my voice online. And while I wanted to start right away, I didn't think I had the skills to make it happen. Of course, I was looking at it from a web 1.0 perspective rather than the DIY nature of blogs. One of the original bloggers, Dave Winer, started in 1994 and is still active today. He helped create RSS, the feed stream that powers most blogs, and he invented podcasts. So he does have a technical background, but more important, he has a distinct POV. In the early days, many blogs were personal and synonymous with online diaries. If you were passionate about a subject, you could start a blog, share your experiences, and comment on other sites. And hopefully, like-minded people would find you and start a conversation. Blogs were a form of social…
