From the course: Content Marketing: Blogging for Business

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Writing and optimizing your posts

Writing and optimizing your posts

- [Instructor] When it comes to your blog, write posts that appeal to both Bender and Fry. That is, your content should attract and engage your customers, and also be discoverable by the search engine bots that catalog your site. This is a departure from the early days of search engine optimization, when keyword stuffing reigned supreme and some less than reputable SEO firms turned out content that barely sounded English. Now, one of the main signals Google looks for is well-organized, meaningful content that people spend time with and share. And organizations need to shift from an inside out to a customer first perspective. You get there by figuring out what your customers are looking for and then creating posts around that. Start by making a list of the questions they ask, then talk to your frontline or sales reps. They deal with customer challenges every single day. From there, select one or two relevant keywords. Include the keyword in your headline and first paragraph of your…
