From the course: Ethics in the Age of Generative AI

Generative AI and Ethics - the Urgency of Now

From the course: Ethics in the Age of Generative AI

Generative AI and Ethics - the Urgency of Now

- In this moment, we face an opportunity to design AI that accelerates human inspiration, creativity, and promotes equity in the world. But that choice doesn't happen by defaults. It's made by people like you and like me. And once built, we can't simply rely on AI systems to hold the obligation for ethical action. Instead, ethics are and always will be a human function. I'm Vilas Dhar. I've spent my career pushing the frontiers of technological innovation, and at the same time, advocating for a more just and equitable world. Our decisions today will shape the future of AI for decades, and this work that we do today as leaders is some of the most important work we will do in our lifetimes. Thank you for coming on this journey with me.
