From the course: Expert Tips for Answering Common Interview Questions

Candidate answer and feedback

From the course: Expert Tips for Answering Common Interview Questions

Candidate answer and feedback

(upbeat rock music) - How might someone reply to that question? Let's look at an example, and I'll be right back with a few thoughts. - I do have a few questions, thanks for asking. We talked a bit about your plans to invest in training opportunities for your current employees, especially those who will be managing the company's transition to a centralized billing system. I think that this is a great plan, and I'd love to support the curriculum development. Now, will most of the training modules be designed by this team? And will they be delivered in person, via webinar, or a video format? Or will you be using a hybrid approach? - This is a great example of that first type of response that we discussed. It's the type of reply that shows to the conversation, and that you want to delve a bit further into a topic that you've just discussed. You're also using words and body language to convey a lot of enthusiasm about supporting what sounds like a priority project for that organization. Well done. Well done.
