From the course: Expert Tips for Answering Common Interview Questions

How to approach this question

From the course: Expert Tips for Answering Common Interview Questions

How to approach this question

- This question is a golden oldie, yet a goodie, and it's one you'll be asked over and over again so you're wise to prepare. Here are three quick strategies. Number one, make it about them first. Even if you're dying to say that you want to work here because you heard they have this great tuition reimbursement program, resist. Your best answer won't start with here's what I want. It'll be about them. It'll show that you've done your research and that you've thought through what you can contribute to that team. Remember that companies are not in business to take care of you. They're there to make money, to grow, or to change the world. And they want to know what's in it for them if they hire you. You would be amazed by how few people get this question right. So you've got this big opportunity to shine. Now you can certainly share what you want after you've made it about them. I recommend that you weave this into the context of what you can contribute. For instance, maybe you have strong accounting skills If you're interviewing for a finance role at a humane society, you could suggest that this job would allow you to blend your professional skills with your passion for animals. And finally, speak from the heart. The more genuine you are, the easier it'll be to win the interviewer over. I once worked with a client who was applying for a zoo event manager job and she had grown up literally next door to that zoo and had the best memories of the peacocks flying over the fence and sitting on her dad's car. So her why do I want to work here was that she wanted people to have fun memories of that zoo just like she did. Top that. Top that.
