From the course: Expert Tips for Answering Common Interview Questions

How to approach this question

From the course: Expert Tips for Answering Common Interview Questions

How to approach this question

- Describe your leadership style. This is a question you're often going to get and I'm going to walk you through a few tips how to do so. I'm Mike Derezin. I'm a Vice President at LinkedIn Learning Solutions and the most important thing I want you to walk away with is be authentic in how you answer that question. So the three tips I have for you, If you're a team builder, say so. If you're tough, but fair, own it. Be very concise and clear on how you define your leadership, so that you know very clearly what you're all about. The most important thing is don't be vague and don't be ambivalent. Know who you are. Now, once you've established your leadership style, the second tip that I want you to think about is how do you give an example that highlights it? So typically you want to start with a situation, potentially a problem or an obstacle, and then walk through what did you actually do and more importantly, what was the result, what did it mean to your organization? What did it mean to the company? What did it mean to a customer? And be sure to include how you brought your team along, 'cause this isn't all about you. Remember, this is about being a leader and this is what you did to bring your team with you. And then third, most importantly, is you want to show situations where you've adapted. Life's not going to be simple. People want to see how you've adapted, how you've grown, how you've changed given the situation. Just like you look for that in the people you're going to hire, the same thing with the hiring manager who's looking to hire you. How do you adapt and grow? So, those three tips, if you follow them, will help you answer this question, but remember, most of all, be authentic, be yourself. (upbeat music) (upbeat music)
