From the course: Expert Tips for Answering Common Interview Questions

How to dress for an interview

From the course: Expert Tips for Answering Common Interview Questions

How to dress for an interview

(upbeat music) - You're ready for, what's your greatest weakness? And you know how you'll respond when they ask about that degree you didn't quite finish, but have you thought about what you're going to wear for the big day? You speak paragraphs about yourself before you ever open your mouth. Let's make sure that opening statement is a great one. So, here are four ways to dazzle them the moment you step into the interview. First, don't guess, research. What's their culture like? What do their employees wear? Are they all about the shirt and tie, or are t-shirt and jeans the normal uniform? You can figure this out by looking at their website, their social media platforms. Check out the casual group shots, and also, look at the employees' LinkedIn profiles, what they're recommend. It's that easy. Now, if this is a casual office, take it up a notch or so. You want to look polished and show that you're serious about the opportunity, even if that interviewer's wearing his pajama bottoms. Next, wear stuff that fits. You lost a bunch of weight last summer? Awesome, don't wear last spring's clothes. Make sure you wear something that fits and flatters. You certainly don't want to be remembered as that guy whose pants fell down in the interview. Third, wear something that feels like you. This isn't the time to try some completely new look, especially if you're not going to feel comfortable in it. Wear clothes that make you feel confident, not the weird vest your buddy insists that you should wear. And finally, don't go over the top. Avoid piles of perfume or lots of bling or head to toe neon green even if the fashion magazines insist it's this season's it color. You want your clothes to be memorable, but not in the form of, do you remember that one candidate who showed up in a? Your appearance makes the first statement. Make sure yours says, hire me immediately. Make sure yours says, hire me immediately.
