From the course: Expert Tips for Answering Common Interview Questions

How to improve your body language in an interview

From the course: Expert Tips for Answering Common Interview Questions

How to improve your body language in an interview

- I'm Linda Raynier, and I'm a career strategist and coach, and I've helped hundreds of job candidates land their dream job offers. And in this video, I'm going to teach you three key tips on how to improve your body language in your next interview. So, the first thing that you want to remember when it comes to body language is that the interviewers want to feel at ease with you so you need to feel at ease with yourself. It's completely natural to feel nervous and shaky before going into the interview but you have to remember that however you're feeling inside, is going to be reflected outside. And so, the key thing that you can do to remember this is to instead think of yourself as a consultant, rather than a job candidate. A consultant is someone who goes into a meeting knowing the value that they can offer, knowing the services that they can provide, and this, thinking of it this way, is going to help you to naturally shift into body language that is more confident and more relaxed. The second thing you want to remember is to mimic the body language of the interviewer. So for example, if they're leaning in, you want to lean in as well. If the interviewer is humorous and they're kind of funny, then you want to respond by laughing. The whole point here is that you want to mimic the body language of the interviewer because it helps the both of you to stay engaged while you're there. And then the third tip I have for you is to remember to be preset. It's so easy for us to have our mind wander during the interview, worrying about what the other person is thinking of us, but you have to try to take your attention back, when you find yourself wandering, take yourself back to your feet, for example. Plant them in the ground, and then listen intently to what the interviewer is saying. Because the more that you can listen, the better the quality of your answers will be. And so remember these three things: interviewers want to feel at ease with you, so make sure that you feel at ease with yourself first, mimic the body language of the interviewer, and finally, be present. This is going to help you with your body language in every interview.
