From the course: Facilitating Remote Design Thinking

Accessing the companion file

- Throughout this course, I'll be making reference to the online tools that you can use to help facilitate your online design thinking workshop. In particular, I'll be talking about white boarding or canvas tools you can use. I've created a template in one of these tools, Miro that I'll use as an example in several videos, you don't have to use Miro. There are plenty of other tools out there. If you don't have access to whiteboard tools, you can even use a shared presentation tool like Google Slides or PowerPoint, but because I'm using this template in the course, I thought it was only fair to make it available to you to, you can find it by following the exercise files link below this video. From your Miro Homescreen, choose upload from backup and select the exercise file. It's not perfect. It's not the prettiest thing in the world, visually either, but it does have the key elements that I use for running online design thinking sessions built in. I added brief instructions to the template to, they aren't designed to be sufficient for you, the moderator instead they're there so that your workshop participants can get a quick reminder of what it is they're supposed to do at each stage of the process. You still need to be very familiar with the tool, even if you use this template, but I hope it's a useful starting point for you as you work through the course. And as you run your own design thinking workshops,
