From the course: Facilitating Remote Design Thinking

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Choosing the right people

Choosing the right people

- When you run a remote design thinking session, you want the same mix of people from across the product development process as for in-person sessions. In my other design thinking courses, I've listed these roles as business product owner, product management, project management, market research, development, test or QA, design and user research and your subject matter experts. I can't tell you the ideal number of attendees, that is, unfortunately, something that varies from organization to organization and team to team. For your first couple of sessions though, I'd stick to no more than nine contributors. With remote sessions, even working through nine people's contributions at three minutes each takes up around half an hour. So you'll have to find the balance between too few people to get good coverage of the different disciplines and too many to move through each exercise in a suitable timeframe. The best attendees…
