From the course: Facilitating Remote Design Thinking

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Creating online personas

Creating online personas

- When you run your design thinking workshop remotely, it's even more important to constantly draw team members' attention back to who they're developing a solution for. It's so easy to forget that we are not our users. But even the most simple of assumption personas can help keep our attention focused on a target audience. Now, obviously, if you already have personas in place for your product, you can skip this step. Get the team, instead, to decide which persona or personas from your existing list they'll be focusing on for this work. But if you don't already have well-defined personas in place, here's your chance to start on that process. You won't be able to create fully researched and fully fleshed out personas in the short time you have available, but these assumption personas are far better than leaving it ambiguous who you're developing for. You've already captured some of the attributes of the participants…
