From the course: Facilitating Remote Design Thinking

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Facilitation tips for remote workshops

Facilitation tips for remote workshops

From the course: Facilitating Remote Design Thinking

Facilitation tips for remote workshops

- Assuming you're the one who's going to be facilitating the workshop, here are some suggestions for how to carry it off well, based on my experiences with the process. At the start of a workshop, you need to be relatively directive. You'll have to take control of organizing the group and getting them focused on working towards a solution. As the work progresses, your facilitation technique can change to being more explanatory and non-directive as you let the team forge their own path. You should find you can move much more into a coaching and timekeeping role. That said, remote work means you have to keep a firm grip on what's happening, who's contributing, who needs encouragement, and what the team needs to do next. You shouldn't expect to be a contributor as well as a facilitator. In fact, for the first couple of sessions you run, you might want to have a co-facilitator available, who can cue up the next piece of work,…
