From the course: Facilitating Remote Design Thinking

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Laying the groundwork

Laying the groundwork

- The intensity of the sessions you run for a design thinking workshop means that you either want everyone present in person or everyone contributing remotely. A hybrid setup with a group working in a conference room and a couple of other people dialing in doesn't provide an equitable experience for every participant. I've tried this approach a couple of times in the past, because clients have requested it. Each time, at the end of the workshop, the participants and their leadership agreed that a hybrid approach didn't allow for full creativity, and probably slowed the team down more than a fully remote environment would've done. If there's no way around it, and you know you'll have some people who will be attending from an office and others who'll be remote, make sure that you, the facilitator, are also remote. This gives you the lowest bandwidth form of communication, which means it's more likely you'll hold the…
