From the course: Facilitating Remote Design Thinking

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Preparing for the workshop

Preparing for the workshop

- The success of your workshop is directly linked to how well-prepared you are and how well you prepare the rest of the team. Design thinking workshops don't materialize out of thin air. There's always a reason why you need to run one. Either you're kicking off a new project, or you've identified some issues or gaps in your current product that you want to address. You should be able to identify your stakeholders. These most often are not the same people as your attendees. They're normally senior decision-makers, either in your management chain or in other related areas of the organization. Just like with in-person design thinking sessions, you'll need to set expectations with these stakeholders and also extract some information from them that will help to ensure your success. By asking each of your stakeholders in turn what they're trying to achieve with this project, you can build up a picture of the business goals you…
