From the course: Facilitating Remote Design Thinking

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Remote experience mapping

Remote experience mapping

- Experience mapping is the process of turning your participant observations into a description of their journey through the tasks you care about. That journey may well start before they use your product, or any product, for that matter. It may also not end when they finish using your product. Capturing those transitions to and from product use is important, because you have to deal with those in whatever solution you design. Online experience mapping is just as messy and crazy as the real world equivalent, and that's okay. I really recommend using a tool that gives you a plain canvas and some digital sticky notes to place on it. We've already talked about getting the team familiar with the tool before you start. You don't want their thought processes to be held up at this point by frustration with manipulating the sticky notes. Give each person a space to compile their sticky notes and sort them into a time audit.…
