From the course: Facilitating Remote Design Thinking

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Remote story mapping

Remote story mapping

- Once you have an idea of what you want to build based on your user-tested prototype, you may be tempted to move straight into whatever project management tool you use, like JIRA, Basecamp, or Pivotal Tracker, but that's a mistake. Moving to a planning tool too quickly means you'll miss the big picture. The story map gives you a unique visual perspective on how the features you need to build will work together, where the dependencies lie, and where there are still unknowns and risks. Story maps also allow the whole team to work together as you prioritize the features and to see the impact of that prioritization across the whole planned product. In other words, your story map gives you a multidimensional product backlog. Remote story mapping is a very similar process to the in-person task. Your aim is to extract each feature, or if you're using an agile methodology, each story, from the prototype and then prioritize the…
