From the course: Facilitating Remote Design Thinking

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Running online usability studies

Running online usability studies

- Now you've got your prototype together. It's time to see how well your ideas work to solve users' pain points. To get the most out of each user session, I suggest you have a user researcher run it. The combination of the remote user testing environment and the scrappy potentially error prone prototype you've created means that there's going to be a need to ensure that each participant is comfortable. Experienced researchers know how to make this happen. We've already covered recruiting participants for these sessions earlier in the course. You'll need to call each participant to remind them about the session the day before. At the same time, send them another email with clear instructions about how to connect. All of the team members should be present to watch the sessions. That can present some challenges for the tool you use. The lowest cost approach is to share your screen with participants and give them control to…
