From the course: Facilitating Remote Design Thinking

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Setting expectations before the workshop

Setting expectations before the workshop

From the course: Facilitating Remote Design Thinking

Setting expectations before the workshop

- Running a remote workshop requires much more communication than an in-person session. That communication starts with a pre-event meeting. Now, I normally hate holding meetings about meetings, but this is your chance to make sure that everyone who'll be attending has a suitable setup and suitable understanding of the process. You can do it now, or you can spend a ton of time in your first workshop session solving all the problems that you could have dealt with beforehand. You can run this is a group session, but if you think that your attendees will potentially have different levels of familiarity with the tools you're using, or if they may have individual concerns about either devoting this much time to the workshop or being in remote meetings with this group, it might be better to meet one on one. After thanking people for being part of the workshop process, it's only fair to tell them what they've let themselves in for.…
