From the course: Getting Started in User Experience

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Interaction design

Interaction design

- Designing an interface involves more than deciding how it will look. In fact, that's normally one of the last pieces to be created. Interaction design, which is also called experience design, or just XD, creates the mechanics of the interface. This is based on psychology, physiology, and user research findings to understand the most efficient, effective, and satisfying way people can interact with your product. It's more about how the product is structured and behaves than how it looks. David Hogue's course on interaction design is a good starting point for understanding this discipline. A useful way to look at where interaction design fits in is to think in terms of layers. The base is the strategic layer. Why does the business want this product? What needs will it fulfill? Once you know that, you can decide what type of structure the product needs in order to work properly. This is the interaction design layer.…
