From the course: Getting Started in User Experience

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UX research and strategy

UX research and strategy

- We've talked already in this course about experience design and visual design. These are the jobs that first come to mind when people talk about user experience. However, there are other roles that are involved throughout the development process that are also essential to creating a good user experience. Underneath the interaction design and visual design layers of a project, providing the data and guidance that they need is a strategic layer informed by user research. User experience puts users at the center of the development process, so it's important to know as much as you can about those users. That's where user research comes in. Users could be customers, but also could be other people in your business or in other parts of a supply chain. We've got a lot of courses on different aspects of user research. Let's start with the basics. If you're completely new to research, and you're not sure you could tell the…
