From the course: Google Analytics Quick Start

Dimensions and metrics in Google Analytics

From the course: Google Analytics Quick Start

Dimensions and metrics in Google Analytics

- Every report in Google Analytics is composed of metrics and dimensions. So it's essential that you fully grasp how they work in order to refine the data within your reports. Now dimensions describe characteristics of your users, say their traffic source, their browser, their city, or the landing page they arrived on. For example, the dimension of city would indicate where a session originates, say Santa Barbara or New York. Metrics, on the other hand, are quantitative measurements such as the number of visitors, the number of new users, or say revenue on a particular goal. So this means that you could look at the metric new visitors against the dimension of city and that would give you a table of all the cities and how many visitors arrived to your site from each. Now not every metric can be combined with every dimension. For the most part, it only makes sense to combine dimensions and metrics that relate to one another. As you begin to refine your reports, you'll find yourself interacting with dimensions and metrics frequently in order to parse out the most meaningful insights.
