From the course: Google Analytics Quick Start

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Google Analytics acquisition reports

Google Analytics acquisition reports

From the course: Google Analytics Quick Start

Google Analytics acquisition reports

- [Instructor] I'm here on our Acquisition Overview report and this is where we begin to get insights into where our users are coming from. Now, you get to the overview by selecting Overview from within the Acquisition dropdown here on the left-hand navigation. For starters, we're going to see how many users we've collected in this time period and how many of those users are new. In this case, 100% of our traffic has been new. This table shows me the users over time. So we can see that we had a pretty big day on the 22nd and the 21st, but traffic began to taper off the 23rd, the 24th, and the 25th. Now this is helpful over time as you can begin to understand patterns in your data. If you're running a campaign and you're not seeing that spike in traffic, you might have a problem. On the other side, perhaps you see a unexplained spike in traffic. In which case, you'd want to drill in and begin to understand where that…
