From the course: Google Analytics Quick Start

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Google Analytics demographics reports

Google Analytics demographics reports

From the course: Google Analytics Quick Start

Google Analytics demographics reports

- [Instructor] I've gone ahead and opened up our demographics overview report, which I selected by choosing overview from the demographics dropdown on the left-hand side. It's here that we can begin to understand where our traffic is coming from. Here, by default, we can see users by country and we can see which countries are driving the majority of our traffic. As I scroll down, you can get even more granular data, such as users by city, users by gender, as well as users by interest. Now, in this instance, not enough data has been captured to generate information on these cards, but as more and more data becomes available, these cards will start to show you some patterns about your user demographics. As I scroll down even further. we'd be able to see ages if that was available. And here in the bottom right-hand corner, we can see the languages that our users speak. I'll scroll back to the top. And in this map view,…
