From the course: Google Analytics Quick Start

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Google Analytics engagement reports

Google Analytics engagement reports

From the course: Google Analytics Quick Start

Google Analytics engagement reports

- [Instructor] As you dive deeper into your analytics, you're going to begin to want to understand how users are engaging with your site. What content is interesting to them? Are they scrolling deep enough on the page to get the answers that you hope they find? Are they engaging with video content or submitting your contact forms? All of this will be aggregated into your engagement reports. And I'm here on the Engagement overview, which I've selected by choosing Overview from the Engagement dropdown on the left-hand side. For starters, we can see the average engagement time is 11 seconds, and obviously, we would prefer a much higher number. And as we begin to build out our site and evolve our content, we can see how this engagement time trends over time. As we scroll down, we can look at key engagement metrics, in this case views, since this is a webpage, and here the card on the right-hand side shows us specific events…
