From the course: Google Analytics Quick Start

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Navigating Google Analytics interface

Navigating Google Analytics interface

From the course: Google Analytics Quick Start

Navigating Google Analytics interface

- [Instructor] I'm here on the Google Analytics dashboard and I'd like to show you around, so you can get familiar with how to navigate. Now, for starters, in the top left corner is where you'll see the account that you're within, as well as the property. And if I select the drop-down arrow you can see that we can toggle to different Google Analytics accounts, we can switch between properties and apps if we have multiple, and we can also toggle between views. Now, in this case, there are no views configured, but this is where they'd show up. At the top of the page we also have a search bar and this is a very comprehensive search. You can look for not only a report, such as tech, but you can also search help articles, and you can even ask questions. Like how many users did I have yesterday? And Google Analytics will answer that question. Here they can say we had zero users yesterday. How many users did I have last week?…
