From the course: Google Analytics Quick Start

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Setting up Google Analytics

Setting up Google Analytics

- [Instructor] The quickest way to get started with Google Analytics is to visit First things first, we need to either enter in our existing Google account information, or in the bottom left-hand corner of this widget, you can create a new account. Now, if you use Gmail, then you already have an account established with Google, and you can use that same email address to log in and sign up with Google Analytics. Otherwise, follow the prompts to create a new account. Now I'm going to log in with an account that I have already created. Once you've logged in, you'll be on the welcome page to Google Analytics, and I'll select Start Measuring towards the center of the screen. Now, first things first, we need to set up our Google Analytics account, and we need to give it a name. Now, your account can contain multiple properties, so you'll want your name to indicate everything that will be allocated under…
