From the course: Google Analytics Quick Start

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Viewing audiences and analysis

Viewing audiences and analysis

- [Instructor] As you get deeper into Google Analytics, I want to draw your attention to two additional sections that will provide tremendous value. For starters, that's the analysis feature. Here, when you select analysis, you can drill in to the analysis hub, which will provide you with a variety of detailed reports that'll help you understand the path that users take through your content, the funnel of all of the steps as they achieve a goal, as well as a variety of custom charts and tables. Now the analysis hub will have all of the reports that you've generated. And if you select the template gallery again, in the menu on the left-hand side, you can see pre-existing templates to get started with your analysis. In this case, you can select segment overlap and you'll be pulled into the analysis view, which is how you'll generate really detailed reports. This is where you'll begin to compare segments and dimensions and…
