From the course: ISC2 Health Care Information Security and Privacy Practitioner (HCISSP) Cert Prep

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Handling sensitive data

Handling sensitive data

Hello again and welcome to the HCISPP certification course with Cybrary. Handling sensitive data. I'm Schlaine Hutchins, your instructor today. In this video, we will cover data classification and disparate data, personal and health information protected by law, sensitivity mitigation and categories of sensitive data. The primary purpose of data classification is to indicate the level of confidentiality, integrity and availability that is required for each type of information. It involves recognizing what information is critical to a healthcare organization and assigning value to it. The goal of classifying data organizes it according to its sensitivity to loss or disclosure. Each sensitive classification should have separate handling requirements and procedures pertaining to how data is accessed, used and destroyed. To properly implement data classification, the healthcare organization must first decide upon the sensitivity scheme they're going to use. Healthcare organizations…
