From the course: ISC2 Health Care Information Security and Privacy Practitioner (HCISSP) Cert Prep

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Maintain a list of third-party organizations

Maintain a list of third-party organizations

Hello again and welcome to the HCISPP certification course with Cybrary. Maintain a list of third-party organizations. I'm your instructor, Schlaine Hutchins. In today's video, we're going to discuss health information, use process, storage and transmission. And we will review third-party roles and relationships with the organization. Let's get started. A key responsibility of the primary entity is to know who its vendors are and what function or functions they perform on behalf of the organization. The information security professionals should establish a collaborative and ongoing relationship with the areas of the organization responsible for procurement, contracting and accounts payable. Those areas have a definite need for maintaining an inventory of vendors. Once there is an inventory, the information security professional can begin to pair that with other information to create an overall picture of a vendor and identify specific types of risks that may be introduced. For…
