From the course: ISC2 Health Care Information Security and Privacy Practitioner (HCISSP) Cert Prep

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Security definitions and concepts, part 3

Security definitions and concepts, part 3

Hello again and welcome to the HCISPP certification course with Cybrary. I'm so happy you're here for security definitions and concepts, part three. My name is Schlaine Hutchins and I'm your instructor. In this video, we're going to talk about segregation of duties, lease privilege, more about business continuity and data retention and destruction. So segregation of duties is a method of reducing the risk of accidental or deliberate misuse of a system. How, you're saying? Well, let's talk it out... Separating the management or execution of certain duties or areas of responsibility is key in reducing the potential opportunities for misuse or unauthorized modification of information or services. Care must be taken so that no single person can perpetrate fraud in areas of single responsibility without being detected. The easiest scenario to consider this concept is within banking or finance. To have one person responsible for collecting, storing and reconciling finances is the recipe for…
