From the course: ISC2 Health Care Information Security and Privacy Practitioner (HCISSP) Cert Prep

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Third party relationships

Third party relationships

Hello and welcome to the HCISPP certification course with Cybrary. Third Party Relationships. I am your instructor for today. My name is Schlaine Hutchins. Today we'll discuss third party relationships, get a basic understanding of the requirements for third party agreements, and understand the regulatory requirements for third party relationships. This information may seem simple, and yet it is very foundational to the remainder of the course. Much of the complexity within the healthcare industry arises due to the nature of the relationships and services that are being provided. Let's talk about covered entities. Covered entity is an organization, any organization or corporation that directly handles PHI or personal health records, such as your health insurance plans, Medicare, Medicaid, Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Anthem, and the like, your providers of services, meaning your doctors, laboratories, radiologists, hospitals, pharmacies or health information clearinghouses. They translate…
