From the course: ISC2 Health Care Information Security and Privacy Practitioner (HCISSP) Cert Prep

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Third-party remediation efforts

Third-party remediation efforts

Hello again and welcome to the HCISPP certification course with Cybrary Third-party remediation efforts. My name is Schlaine Hutchins and I'm your instructor. Today, we're going to talk about risk management activities, risk treatment identification, corrective action plans and compliance activities documentation. When a primary entity conducts a risk assessment or audit, it needs to determine the risk level associated with any findings. For example, if physical security safeguards are found to be lax at a third-party vendor's processing facility, the primary entity may determine this to be a critical risk to the sensitive data. When a security incident occurs that results in a breach, the primary entity and third-party vendor must each contribute information that allows for an appropriate assessment of the risk level. The third-party vendor needs to ensure that it relays the facts surrounding what occurred, as well as any residual risks that remain. The primary entity must determine…
