From the course: Learning SnowflakeDB

Use cloud services

- [Instructor] If you wish to follow along when I'm demonstrating working with Snowflake DB during this course, do be aware that it is a cloud-only service. There is no local way to run it. Now, fortunately, Snowflake DB does offer a free trial, which we'll be looking at. However, if you're not using that or you overcome that limit, then what you're going to want to do is to make sure that you're either staying within the free tier. If you're using a purely live account not a trial account, then you're going to want to verify that any of the compute resources are actually turned off after you're using them. You're going to want to set budget alerts, which we'll see how to do that in the Snowflake DB ecosystem through the course. And you're going to want to set multifactor authentication on the root account, and any other key accounts. I really recommend if possible, and snowflake DB actually does make this easy with the 30 day free trial edition, that you set up a dedicated account just for learning even if you're are using snowflake in production. Just to keep it separated, and to put a hard boundary to contain costs, and it's really very important that you pay attention to this so that you don't incur unexpected charges while you're learning.
