From the course: Learning SnowflakeDB

What you should know - Snowflake Tutorial

From the course: Learning SnowflakeDB

What you should know

- In order to get the most out of this course, it'll be helpful if you have a background with databases, specifically if you've done production work with relational databases such as MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle or the like. In particular, we'll be using the SQL query language to demonstrate the capabilities of Snowflake DB during this course. In addition, if you have some background with data warehousing technologies, and it could be on your relational database or it could be a dedicated data warehouse such as Teradata, Oracle Data Warehouse, SQL Server Analysis Services, something like that. In particular, we'll be looking at aggregate SQL queries for reporting, so queries that add up and produce aggregate results using SQL syntax like average, count, min, max. In addition to that, if you have some familiarity with database administrator or data concepts, which includes security of data, modeling of data for tables and data pipelining, you'll get more out of this course. In addition to the other things that I mentioned, if you have some kind of production experience with one or more of the major cloud vendors, which includes Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure or Google Cloud Platform, you will benefit more from this course. As mentioned, data warehouse concepts will be a core part of this course, cause Snowflake DB is of course a cloud-native data warehouse and more. In addition, if you've started working with any of the data lake concepts, we will be discussing that in this course as well.
