From the course: Programming Foundations: Databases

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Access control, compliance, and injection

Access control, compliance, and injection

From the course: Programming Foundations: Databases

Access control, compliance, and injection

- We haven't talked about security for our simple database. But this is an important aspect of databases, especially when they contain personally identifiable information or other sensitive data. Most database management systems provide various access control mechanisms, including user accounts and control over whether certain people can access certain tables or even individual columns. In the database we can grant user varying levels of access to hold databases, tables, and even specific actions. We might define the user who can create, read, update, and delete data but who is not allowed to change the schema of the database. And we might create another user who only has read access and who can't modify data stored in the database at all. When you're designing a database and granting access to the database and the data it's important to consider your business requirements. It's also very important to consider any compliance…
