From the course: Securing the IoT: Privacy

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Using resources on NIST and OWASP

Using resources on NIST and OWASP

From the course: Securing the IoT: Privacy

Using resources on NIST and OWASP

- [Instructor] In the last five years, the number of devices on the IOT has experienced rapid growth. In this segment, we'll learn how ongoing concerns about data security and privacy has led to the expanded role of NIST and OWASP and securing the IOT. First, let's talk about NIST. NIST is influential in supporting science standards and technology that enhances and improves our quality of life. So first, we'll go out to their website where we can learn more about their efforts and research in the IOT. NIST has a cybersecurity program for the IOT and the program has several focus areas to encourage and promote secure growth in the IOT market. NIST provides research and guidance to manufacturers, federal agencies, and consumers. I'll open each of these in a new tab. We'll start with guidance for manufacturers and other parties. This references the NIST Internal Report 8259 series. The series provides guidance on topics…
